There are a number of import formats in myStage. For each file see the details below.
When importing please not it can take a while, depending on the size of the file. Sometimes the files fail, contact support for assistance if the import doesn't work.
Stardom has a file export that gives the following columns. Details on each column and how they are used is below.
Example File
Column | DataType | Required | Notes |
Program | Text | No | Not used |
Discipline | Text | Yes | |
Session Date | Date | Yes | dd/mm/yyyy |
Session Start Time | Time | Yes | hh:mm AM/PM |
Session Description | Text | No | Not used |
Section Order | Number | No | Not used |
Section | Number | Yes | |
Section Description | Text | Yes | Name of the section |
Competitororder | Number | Yes | Performance Order |
Official Entry Name | Text | Yes | Name on the entry |
Individual Competitor Names | Text | No | Used for duos etc |
Date Of Birth | Text | Yes | dd/mm/yyyy |
School Name | Text | No | Imported as club |
School Initials | Text | No | Not used |
Teacher Name | Text | No | Not used |
Registered First Name | Text | No | Registered user |
Registered Surname | Text | No | Registered user |
User Type | Text | No | If not competitor, a related user is created |
address1 | Text | Yes | User address line 1 |
address2 | Text | No | User address line 2 |
City | Text | Yes | User city |
Postcode | Text | Yes | User postcode |
Text | Yes | User email | |
phone1 | Text | No | User phone |
phone2 | Text | No | Not used |
Invoice Number | Number | No | Not used |
Invoice Creation Date | Date | No | Not used |
Entry Notes | Text | Yes | Added to entry notes |
Section Fee | Currency | No | Not used |
Invoice Amount Paid By Stardom Credit Card | Currency | No | Not used |
Invoice Total Amount | Currency | No | Not used |
Invoice Total Unpaid | Currency | No | Not used |
Adjudicator/s | Text | No | Optional column to record the adjudicator on the section |
Writer/s | Text | No | Optional column to record the writer on the section |
Anything section specific will only be read from the first entry that refers to that section. e.g. If the writer etc is different on subsequent entries it will be ignored.
The TryBooking importer may not match what you get out of TryBooking, depending on how you have setup your entries. However as long as you update the file format to match below it will import for you.
Example File
Column | DataType | Required | Notes |
Section Name | Text | No | Not used |
Division | Number | No | |
Location Code | Text | Yes | Code that matches locations in codesets |
Discipline | Text | Yes | |
Section Description | Text | Yes | Full name of section |
Session Date | Text | Yes | dd/mm/yyyy |
Session Start Time | Text | Yes | hh:mm AM/PM |
Location | Text | No | Not used |
Competitor Number | Number | No | Performance order |
No | User email | ||
Entry Type | Text | No | Not used |
Competitor Name | Text | Yes | |
Club/College | Text | Yes | |
Coach | Text | No | |
Age | Text | Yes | Recorded as text on competitor |
Grade | Text | No | |
Extra - DVD | Yes/Y/True | No | See extras note below |
Extra - Photos | Yes/Y/True | No | See extras note below |
Entry Notes | Text | No | Added as entry notes |
Adjudicator | Text | No | Added to section |
Writer | Text | No | Added to section |
Sponsor | Text | No | Added to section |
Date of Birth | Date | No | dd/mm/yyyy |
address1 | Text | No | Competitor / User address |
City | Text | No | |
Postcode | Text | No | |
State | Text | No | |
2nd Competitor Name | Text | No | Second competitor for duos |
2nd Competitor Date of Birth | Text | No | Second competitor for duos |
Official Entry Name | Text | No | Team name |
Extras Import
The Extras - columns will import what comes after the - by matching to the codeset options for extras. e.g. DVD will add a DVD extra if it has a Yes, Y, or True value.
The Codeset importer lets you import a set of codeset values quickly. It will only import codes and values, you will need to edit other values from the Admin screen.
Column | DataType | Required | Notes |
Codeset | Text | Yes | The name of the codeset to import |
Code | Text | No | Unique code for the codeset value |
Value | Text | Yes | The value to add for the codeset |
Teams - Variable Items
The teams variable items importer imports a team schedule quickly, when you don't have all the competitor information.
Example File
Column | DataType | Required | Notes |
Discipline | Text | Yes | Matches Code then Value |
Date | Text | Yes | dd/mm/yyyy |
Division | Text | Yes | Matches Code then Value |
Age Group | Text | Yes | Matches Code then Value |
Start Time | Text | Yes | hh:mm (24 hour time) |
Location | Text | Yes | Matches Code then Value |
Adjudicators | Text | Yes | |
Writers | Text | No | |
Item | Text | Yes | Name of the item |
Time Limit | Text | No | Matches code in codeset |
Performance Type | Text | No | Matches code in codeset |
Split | Text | No | Matches Code then Value |
C1 | Text | Yes | Team name See competitor columns, below |
C1-# | Number | No | Number of competitors in team See competitor columns, below |
C1-EX-DVD | Text | No | Yes/Y/True |
When importing with this file, any blank cells in columns before the competitor details (Cn) columns will use the value from the cell above that has a value. For example, you can put the date in the first row, and leave subsequent rows blank until the date changes.
Competitor columns
The competitor columns are listed in performance order, so that a program schedule can be imported. These work by looking for columns of Cn, where n is the competitor number. IE C1 might be Ballarat, C2 Geelong etc. The importer will stop once it can no longer find a Cn column in number order, i.e. 1-7 are there, but no 8.
Cn-# is similar, but the # means number of competitors in the team. For the example above you would need C1-# to C7-#
Cn-EX-xxx is for importing codesets. As above, Cn would be the number. -EX- says we are looking for an extra, and xxx is the code e.g. DVD.
Multiple teams for the same club
When a club has two teams performing in the same age group / division they need to be imported as the same competitor for aggregate calculations.
To do this, in the Cn column you need the team name, with the number in brackets after. ie. Ballarat for team 1, and Ballarat (2) for the second team.
If you don't put the team number in brackets (1) they will import as two competitors, showing up separately in the aggregate.
Codeset Matching
When importing and matching codesets, the Teams - Variable Items importer will check for a matching code first. If it doesn't find a match, it will then check for a value. If neither are found a new codeset value will be created to match.
The user import lets you import public users to allow them to manage competitor profiles.
Column | DataType | Required | Notes |
Club | Text | Yes | |
First name | Text | Yes | |
Last name | Text | Yes | |
Text | Yes | ||
Link | Boolean | No | Will find any competitors with this name as a coach, and match them. |
User Type | Text | No |
User - Invite
The same as the user import above, but it will invite the users with an email.
Import a list of coach names. Used when you want to restrict entries to competitors that have an approved coach.
Column | DataType | Required | Notes |
First name | Text | Yes | |
Last name | Text | Yes |
The club import is used like the coach import, when you want to have the competitor enter only if they are from an approved club/school. You can also upload the class times if they have to choose that during their entry process.
Column | DataType | Required | Notes |
Name | Text | Yes | |
Classname | Text | No | |
Day | Text | No | |
Time | Text | No |