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Entry System Overview

The myStage Entry system accessible from the myStage home page allows competitors, coaches or parents to view and enter into open competitions. The following are the basics of how the Entry system works and how to enter into open competitions. Also explained are the functionality of a competitor, parent or coach profile.

Home_enter Figure 1

Parents or Coaches may enter their competitors to any open Competition of their choice by clicking ‘Enter Now’ as in the figure 1 above or simply by clicking Enter Competitions, once logged into myStage, this is available from the profile page.

Open for entries Open Entries Link


Any competitor or parent who does not have an account in myStage would need to follow the signup process by simply clicking ‘Sign-up’ from myStage home page

Creating an account

If you don’t have a myStage account already, you would need to click sign-up and follow the on screen instructions.

  1. From the myStage homepage, click sign-up or register. Sign Up Button

  2. Enter the required details, such as your name, date of birth, email address(will be used as your username) set a password you can remember but not simple enough for anyone to guess, check that you agree to myStage Terms and Conditions and their privacy policy, then click ‘Register’ Register

  3. You should see a ‘Thank you for registering’ message, check your email for a link from myStage ( with the title ‘myStage Account Verification’. Thanks
  4. Click on the link provided in the email to take you to the activation page. Verification
  5. To active your account enter your email address, then press Confirm.
  6. You should have a link you can click on to login into the myStage website, use your email address as your username and the password you set earlier to login. Login

Your user Profile

Once you have logged into myStage for the first time, you should receive a Welcome to myStage message, similar to the one shown below. This message then goes to explain your account profile features and where you can get help if you need. Once you have read the message, you may click ‘close’ button at the bottom right of the screen. Welcome

You can edit your profile details and those of the competitors you are attached with. Make sure date of birth is accurate for each competitor and other information such as an address, phone number, coach and clubs details as current as possible. Edit Details

Once you have updated your detail, explore your other profile features. Other

Function/Link Explanation/Meaning
Home Your profile home page when you click ‘home’ button or the little stick person from anywhere within myStage site, you are taken back to your profile home page
Competitors You can access your list of competitors you manage as a parent or a coach, by click on competitors link
Organisations This is a list of organisations you are linked with through entries.
Edit Details This is where you update and keep your personal details up to date, and/or details of the competitors you are managing
Entries List of entries you have on your profile
Lighting Cues If you require Lighting Cues for your items, you edit them here
Results Past entries are shown here. If the competition allows it, your final score/place is also shown
Related Users These are users linked to your profile who can manage your profile for you
Competitors If you are a coach/parent/team manager, your linked competitors are shown here, and you can add competitors and update their profiles.
Events A list of all competitions you can enter whether they are open for entries or not
Cart Shopping Cart, if there are any items in the cart
Help Click here for help information, including contacting support.
Logout To logout myStage application, click on profile icon and click logout.